Life Insurance ~ *This is important. Please don’t scroll past it.*
Life Insurance ~ *This is important. Please don’t scroll past it.*
*This is important. Please don’t scroll past it.*
I have learned that the majority of the people I talk to are pretty much clueless when it comes to life insurance. What is interesting is that I hear the same things over and over.
I’ve compiled a list of the top issues I run into. If any of these speak to you (I’m sure at least one will), please get in touch with me so I can help you better understand life insurance:
1) You do not have any life insurance at all.
2) Your kids do not have any life insurance yet. (FYI you can get a $25K whole life policy for around $8-15/Mo for a child.)
3) Your parents do not have life insurance. (The average cost of a funeral is $15,000!! I your parent were to pass away today, will you be the one stuck paying the bill? It’s better to pay small monthly payments towards a final expense policy that will pay out enough to cover their funeral rather than having to pay a chunk of money at once.)
4) You don’t know EXACTLY what you have. (90% of the time when I meet with someone they say, well I THINK I have…..or I’m pretty sure I have….Guys! That is NOT ok! You should not only know what you have, but you should be looking at your policy at least once a year to make sure it’s in good standing.)
5) You need to update your beneficiary, or aren’t sure who your beneficiary is.
6) You only have life insurance through work. (Guess what?! Chances are, when you leave your job…that coverage isn’t going with you. Do you realize how much more expensive it will be to replace that coverage 5, 10, 20+ years from now?!)
7) You don’t feel you have enough coverage or, you want to see if you can get a better rate on the coverage you are currently paying for. (In many cases, I can get you a better rate.)
8 ) You’ve had a major life change. Marriage, divorce, bought a house, job change, had a baby.
9) You don’t have an updated living will. (Most carriers will offer you free basic legal services to create or update your will.)
10) You haven’t pre-planned your funeral. (I know you are thinking – why would I do this now?! I’m young and healthy. I will ask you this – if you were to pass away tomorrow, do you want your grieving loved ones to have to sit in a funeral home and pick out your casket, what your headstone will say, write your obituary, plan your services, etc? No, of course you don’t. Pre-plan that now so that when you do pass, it’s already handled. Your life insurance is up to date and will easily pay out. One simple call to the funeral home can set things into motion. And most importantly, your loved ones can spend that time grieving and celebrating your life…not stressing over how to pay for your funeral and final expenses.)
This list could go on and on. But these should be enough to get some of you thinking. Please don’t hesitate to comment below or message me if you would like to talk. If there’s any questions I can answer for you, I’m here to help!
Original Post by: Maria Jeancola owner of NFT Insurance Group
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